Last year, early in the year, I picked Brian Scott as my fav truck driver. First time I saw him was when he won Dover...not sure why, I just decided I liked him. (who am i kidding, he's HOT!) I was so excited to go to Talladega in the fall and see him race live at the Truck race. And then I found out there was a truck drivers autograph session...sweet! I was so pumped up (and nervous!) to meet Brian. I even made him a card (as I have been known to do on occasion *wink*). We got to the autograph session, went through the line.....and no Brian :( we went through 3 times (some of the guys thought it was hoping he would show up late, as a few other drivers did...but still no Brian.
Todd Bodine (above!) was nice enough to offer to give the card to Brian for me. I don't know if he ever got it, but I did the best I could! Anyways...I enjoyed watching Brian race at least...he did well until he got wrecked :(
That ended the quest in began again in May at next opportunity to be at a race where Brian was racing. I got close...REAAAAAAAAL close....but not close enough.....remember the 'so close...yet sooooo farrrr away' picture? looks like i was close which i WAS...but it is loud down there....Brian couldn't hear me.
A few weeks ago, I went to Bristol. Trip happened so suddenly, and i didn't have pit passes, so there was little hope for me getting to meet Brian there. I really enjoyed watching him practice and watching the crew make adjustments to the car, and the it was amazing! But still no meeting.
love it....2 guys under the car!
Moving on to this weekend...
Not that birthdays matter at this age....but my birthday is sept. 14. Nationwide race is Sept 10. I'm going to race by myself as a gift to myself ;) Not that I dont' like going with other people, but noboday else wants to sit on pit road all day and just watch the cars and people. I thrive on the sound of the cars, even the smell is like a drug to me! I LOVE that at richmond, i can go down on pit road and watch practice and qualifying going on around is euphoric! So I will hit the track bright and early Friday morning all by my lonesome and just indulge myself. I plan on hitting pit road the second they let me on at 11am and parking myself for the day. Will the elusive Mr. Scott cross my path? God I hope so! I have decided on the black shirt:
simply because is more flattering to my not so flattering figure. A girl wants to look good right? Even a full figured one ;) (i'm working on fixing that too!) I even have a gift to give to Brian, I must say it is probably one of the more clever things I have come up with and can't wait to give it to is a sneak peek at the outside (there is alot more fun stuff on the inside! and no it isn't JUST a box of cereal)
Why have I compiled this post comprised of stuff that most people who know me already know??? Well....when I was at Bristol, I ran into Jeff Gluck at his tweetup (meeting for people on twitter) and first thing he asks me is if I got to meet Brian yet. Haha..i'm infamous for that (should i be proud? probably not lol). I told him of my plans at Richmond and he agreed it is a good plan. I suggested maybe I need a campaign or something....'help Tracey meet Brian' ;) So this is my attempt at a campaign. I will probably post the link to this post around in an attempt to spread the word. And then I will go to the track on Friday and wait and hope! If you happen to be at the track and see the girl in the homemade black Brian Scott shirt with what appears to be a box of cereal in her clear backpack...come say hi and wish me luck!
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