Wednesday, March 12, 2014

catching up....

I made a few cards over the weekend I need to catch up on blogging before I get to making new ones!!!!
First.....a special request from YOU!
I posted this the other day too, but it is still going on and we are STILL trying to get votes for JJ!

"One of my boyfriends children, Jonathan Jr. (JJ) has cerebal palsey.  He is a spastic quadrapalegic.  He cannot use his arms or legs, he is completely immobile.  He spends all of his time either laying down, or propped up on the couch, or in a wheelchair.  He can't play like his brothers and step sisters, he can't even change the channel on the tv if he doesn't like what's on.
We can purchase special equipment to help out, but you wouldn't BELIEVE the price they put on equipment for special needs kids. It broke my heart when I found out how much companies charge for just a CHAIR for JJ to sit in that gives him proper support. opportunity has come up for us to get him a BIKE!  A bike that he can ride, that supports his needs!  We are DESPARATELY trying to win this bike for JJ.  Buying it outright would cost us around 2,000$.  But with your help, we can WIN it for him!  All I need from YOU reading this, is to click the link and VOTE for JJ!  (you have til March 25th!) OH, and please SHARE THIS ON YOUR BLOG!!!! 
This is JJ:
he was soooo happy here, he won a fishing pole!

Here is a link to the website. CLICK HERE!   AND then, click the green box that says how many nominations JJ clicking, you are voting for him!   THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  You have no idea how much this bike would mean to JJ! "

Thanks for bearing with me !  Now here are a few cards I made over the weekend:


this one I'm entering in:
Dynamic Duos #93, soft pink and stone
Retro Sketches #105


 I'm entering this one in CASe this sketch #67

I made another card too, but damn if i didn't miss the deadline for those challenges!!! oh well....

anyways.....i desparetly want to get to my craft desk so off I go! please take the time to go vote for little JJ, he is so deserving of this bike! thanks so much!


Friday, March 7, 2014

You make my heart flutter (AND a special request from YOU!)

I haven't posted in a while. Being a mother of 5 (2 of my own, 3 of my boyfriends!) and working full time takes alot out of me, and I just ran out of time to do what I love.  I managed to find time tonight and plan on making time this ENTIRE WEEKEND to devote to 2 things I love.....1.  crafting. and 2. my children, especially one in particular who needs YOUR help.
I swear I made a card for the MUSE challenge # 57, it is below, but I REALLY hope you will read what I have to say FIRST.
One of my boyfriends children, Jonathan Jr. (JJ) has cerebal palsey.  He is a spastic quadrapalegic.  He cannot use his arms or legs, he is completely immobile.  He spends all of his time either laying down, or propped up on the couch, or in a wheelchair.  He can't play like his brothers and step sisters, he can't even change the channel on the tv if he doesn't like what's on.
We can purchase special equipment to help out, but you wouldn't BELIEVE the price they put on equipment for special needs kids. It broke my heart when I found out how much companies charge for just a CHAIR for JJ to sit in that gives him proper support. opportunity has come up for us to get him a BIKE!  A bike that he can ride, that supports his needs!  We are DESPARATELY trying to win this bike for JJ.  Buying it outright would cost us around 2,000$.  But with your help, we can WIN it for him!  All I need from YOU reading this, is to click the link and VOTE for JJ!  (you have til March 25th!) OH, and please SHARE THIS ON YOUR BLOG!!!! 
This is JJ:
he was soooo happy here, he won a fishing pole!

Here is a link to the website. CLICK HERE!   AND then, click the green box that says how many nominations JJ clicking, you are voting for him!   THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!  You have no idea how much this bike would mean to JJ! card.  I made this card, for JJ's dad! He is an amazing man and I love him so very very much!   He does make my heart flutter.....every day!  Every day, is like the very first time I laid eyes on him, I'm so madly in love with him!   Here's my card:

and here is the LOVELY MUSE card by Vicki Dutcher

I'm planning on devoting the weekend to digging into my craft room again, and entering as many challenges as I can, and all the while spreading the word about my boyfriends son, who is essentially my stepson, since I plan on spending the rest of my life with Jon and the boys!   Please please find it in your heart to click and vote, and SHARE!   You would be bringing a smile to his beautiful face and doing something good!!!  THANKYOU!!!!