Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Moxie Fab Tuesday Trigger


  Is this 'man-tastic' enough? LOL! I made this for Moxie Fab World's Tuesday Trigger.....here is the trigger photo

I was inspired by the color scheme....took a very simple approach . Of course, there are clouds....I am obsessed, I realize this!!! Anyways...this is my attempt at 'moxie fab-ness' ;)
thanks for visiting my blog today!

Monday, June 4, 2012

I am proud...

of myself!
and I wanted to blog about it. For YEARS...I have had the lowest self confidence in the world, and been so unhappy. no more! Last November, I decided to take control of my life, go to the gym and make a difference. Well...I can finally look in the mirror and say....wow! is that me?! When did this happen? Im very very proud of what I have accomplished. Granted, I'm not there...my goal weight...yet. But, I think I have done pretty good! I'm going to share some old photos...and some new ones!
(sorry about captions messed up. try to follow...lol...i hate the new blogger!)
september 14, 2009
 270151_2143872550871_7764330_n September 2011 311675_2095370904212_1243519492_32045480_342988692_n December 2011 IMAG1126 March 2012 (beginning of month) IMAG0129 March 2010 (end of month) DSCN0108 April 2012 (right before hysterectomy surgery) IMAG0728 i was TERRIFIED the surgery would hinder my progress!!!! nope....im back and good as i've ever been! BETTER even ;) I ran 3.7 miles this morning! wow right? just 6 weeks after major surgery! May 2012 (omg..is that a bikini!) irealize i don't look perfect...but the fact that i can put this on and go to the beach? im proud ;) DSCF1402 May 2012 Untitled So yes....I am proud of my accomplishments! and I will continue until I reach my goal! Today, I was cleared by my doctor and told i'm 100% healed. My trainer warned me she is starting a new workout regimen tomorrow.....eeek!!! wish me luck! and thanks for visiting my blog, comments are welcome ;)