So here is my ATC...
and here is my most favorite version of the song...
and here is a little something else I made to remind me of my sunshine that I miss so much!'s cold outside! please come back sunshine and warm me up! heehee...!
We're Looking for Clean & Simple Scrappers & Card Makers
If you're a Clean & Simple (or its close cousin Modern & Graphic) , we would love to see your artwork. We're looking for Clean & Simple (and Modern & Graphic) scrappers and card makers to feature inside the magazine, on our front page, be a Featured Artist and/or maybe even become a part of the SNR staff.
If this is your style, please submit to this special call. Simply go to our website at and click on Calls and then Special Calls and submit your artwork. You can submit up to 5 layouts or cards (or a mix if you're both a scrapper and a card maker).
Please make sure your images are sized at 650x650, with 650 being the longest side if it's an irregular shape. Any images submitted that are not at least 650x650 will be rejected upon receipt. You do not need to include any supply lists. We simply want to see your work and get a chance to know you!
Thank you and we look forward to seeing your stuff. Happy scrappin'!
July 2011 Calls
Get Noticed! Get Published!
Back to School: Summer may be in full swing, but school time will be here before we know it and what better way to greet it than with pages chock full of school related topics.
Color of the Month – Orange: Fresh, fun and funky, orange screams summer from popsicles and beach balls to sand pails and surfboards and it’s a great color to feature on your layouts. Projects can be of any theme or subject but you must use they must use at least 80% of the color of the month, so think monochromatic color scheme with a couple other colors to balance it out.
Fabric, Fiber & Felt: These three “F’s” rock on layouts of any kind and we would love to see how you use one of them or any combination of the three. Get creative and be sure to provide us with a tip or two on how you incorporated them onto your pages.
Favorite Band/Singer: We all have one or two and while for some they may be just a mild crush or fascination, for others it’s a full-on obsession. Show us your love for your favorite band or singer. Layouts featuring lyrics or song titles will get extra consideration. Please make sure you give credit to the songwriter in your supply lists cause you know we at SNR always like to be on the up-and-up.
Hometown Haunts & Hangouts: Each town has its own flavor and distinct places, so take us on a trip around yours. Whether just one or two or a smattering of your favorite haunts and hangouts, we’re looking for pages that bring to attention the places in your hometown that have special meaning to you.
Numbers: Why should letters get all the spotlight? Let’s give numbers their full 15 minutes of fame.
One Word – Treasure: For this call, we’re looking for pages that include the word “Treasure” in the title.
Shapes – Stars: Big or small, we have a thing for stars and they lend such a unique flair to pages of any theme or subject.
Scrap Your Stash - Ribbon: We wouldn’t be surprised if you have oodles of ribbon hanging out in your stash and we challenge you to use it in cool and creative ways! For this call, please only submit layouts that feature lots of ribbon.
Clear Acrylic: For this call, we’re looking for cards that either use clear acrylic as the base, background or as the main embellishment on your card.
Fussy Cutting: It’s a popular trend and rightly so. Beautiful creations can be made with simple patterned paper and cardstock and we can’t wait to see yours.
Summer Elements: Balls, Suns, You Name It: If it smacks of summer, then it’s fair game on your cards and they can be of any subject or topic.
Shapes – Stars: Big or small, we have a thing for stars and they lend such a unique flair to pages of any theme or subject.
Watercolors: Show off your mad painting skills! Watercolors are a great way to give a punch of color and we would love to see cards that use watercolors in a variety of ways.
Please note that the following calls MUST use stamps. You can’t use patterned paper or embellishments that feature the following spotlight items.
Fruit & Veggies: For this call, we’re looking for cards and other stamped projects showcasing fruit and veggie stamps.
Furniture & Home Accessories: For this one, we’re looking for cards and other stamped projects that showcase furniture and home accessories. Cute puns for sentiments are a plus.
Seaside: Whether nautical or beachy, we want to see cards and other stamped projects that use stamps that feature a seaside theme.
Mixed Media
Artist Trading Cards - Americana: Books, maps, paper, documents, relics and even song lyrics can be integrated on your arches. Please note that submitted ATCs must have American ephemera on them. No other cultures will be accepted.
Artist Trading Cards – Strut Your Stuff: Grab your 15 minutes of fame and can send in ATC’s featuring any theme, style or color scheme.
Arches - Bygone Era: There is a world of options at your fingertips with this call. Arches must be reminiscent of days gone by and can be of any subject but most feature imagery or clipart that conjures up memories of the past.
Inchies – Patchwork: The possibilities are endless with patchwork techniques as the background. You can construct inchies with a patchwork background in any fashion and with any theme or color scheme, but your inchies must be ON a patchwork base.
Mini Albums – Strut Your Stuff: The rules are the same as with the altered art call. Anything goes!
To submit to Scrapbook News and Review, go HERE and look for the 'calls' tab at the top!! Simple as that! Hope to see some familiar faces ;)
Im so busy these days...but i wanted to share this picture from last it possible to be in love with a photo??? the clouds are so white and fluffy, the sky is so perfectly blue....Brian looks amazingly edible....what a great great photo...I will treasure it forever :)
That is all I have time to share right now...praying I dig myself out of this hole I have dug for myself! Im way too busy these days!!!