So here I am standing on pit road on Friday....anxiously awaiting just a GLIMPSE of Brian Scott....

I was tweetin' back and forth with him, he knew I was there, and he gave me a time and place! I was a nervous wreck sitting there waiting for him to come out....seemed like every driver under the sun came out while I was waiting except for Brian...
there was Trevor Bayne....( i almost fainted when i saw him for some reason...weird!)

and justin allgaier...

Jack Roush...

Kenny Wallace...

and then....what to my wondering eyes did appear? But Brian Scott pulling up in a golf cart ;)
It was like I had known him all my life....just having a nice conversation...

I gave him is box of Lucky Charms...which was actually a box full of well....lucky charms! (horseshoes, lucky ducks, lucky bracelets...etc.)

why yes tracey, i'll be happy to sign this fabulous shirt you made...

and while i'm at it...let me sign the other one too ;)

the meeting wouldn't be complete without a fabulous picture I can plaster all over every social network I am a part of, and print out and plaster my house with right? (scrapbook page will be next ;) )

But there's more! I had passes to driver introductions later that night....

Brian's better side??? (who agrees?!)

and then he came out on stage...(*sigh!*) I got to give him one more 'good luck!' before he got into his car....which apparently was not very lucky :( car broke early in the race (grrrr!)

Moving onto Saturday....I had passes to the Victory Lane Chase celebration through Sprint. I had a USS Enterprise hat I decided to give to Denny...and of course, he didn't show up to the celebration :( But, y'all know persistent! As they were shuffling us out of the Sprint event, I saw Denny's mom.. I asked her to give Denny the hat for me...she told me to sit on teh wall and I could go over to Victory Lane with her (even though we really weren't allowed!) noone seemed to notice me sprint across the infield to victory lane..see?

mad handoff of the camera to hubby (who always manages to angle the picture so i look the absolute FATTEST)

I gave Denny the hat. He said thankyou, and I don't remember what else, I was so nervous they were gonna boot us lol! I asked him for a pic, which hubby also took....not the best picture, but I can live with it, he did his best under the circumstances!

So there you have it....sometimes, it really does all work out right? And Tracey lived happily ever after the end.
(until I woke up this morning and found out my cat has run away...go figure? can't have my cake and eat it too right? hopefully he comes home soon!)