Monday, June 22, 2009

C is for Clearly...

Yes, Clearly the Xbox is the DEVIL! This is the subject of my newest layout. It isnt' like any of my other typical layouts as in it isn't fancy, and flowery, or, well, pretty. This one is just for me, well, and you as I am sharing! It is part 3 of my year in the life of art journal. C was for Clearly, and well....this is what I came up with. The fact that the Xbox is the devil is one of the most crystal clear things in my life right now, so, that is what I chose to scrap about. Like I said, it may not be pretty or flashy, but it is true, and it is me.
thanks for stopping by today!


  1. LOVE this!! Such a fine line... those blasted machines.

  2. i am so glad someone agrees with me....i hope there are others out there! down with the machines!

  3. Awesome layout! What paper is that? What did you use on this! It rocks!

  4. it is a paper by creative imaginations i believe, mounted on a piece of patterned paper by Rose Moka. The creative imaginations sheet is the whole criminal record thing! i just stamped a bunch of splatter marks all over it, and inked teh edges, etc to make it look all worn! thanks for the compliments!


Thanks for commenting! You have made me smile today!