This card was inspired by Moxie Fab Worlds " the paper scraps challenge" which I'm entering this in. This was easy for me. I make EVERY card from my scrap bin! Just seems economical yes? Layouts come from full paper, cards....from the scraps!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
My Favorite Place....
This card was inspired by Moxie Fab Worlds " the paper scraps challenge" which I'm entering this in. This was easy for me. I make EVERY card from my scrap bin! Just seems economical yes? Layouts come from full paper, cards....from the scraps!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
the Notebook
I just watched this movie for the second time ever last night....yes...I'm a woman and I've only seen this movie TWICE! The first time I watched it, I didn't even get into it. I think I was in a different place back then. Lately, things have been different. I've been wearing my heart on my sleeve, and seeing things differently. So when I popped this movie back What a difference. It truly touched me. Alot! I'm very glad that I own it....because I will probably watch it a few more times in the near future. There is a specific scene that really spoke to me....hit home. Im sure anyone who has seen this knows it. I was looking for a graphic with a good representation of the quote, but I can't find one. I think I will put it into my artwork, give it a proper representation, one that I find perfect for it. The quote is the one where Noah is asking Allie to stay with him. She is ready to leave again....she wants him so badly, wants to stay with him, but is trying to please everyone else.
Noah says to her:
Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants? Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do YOU want? What do you WANT?
YES! I think people overanalyze stuff sooo much all the time. Try to do the right thing for this and that and the other and dont' do what they really want to do. This is a problem I think. A big one. I think more people would be happy if they did what they really wanted to do.
I've had my sketch book out all day, writing and designing. Some stuff based on the movie, some based on other recent events. Hoping to make it to my craft table soon....easier said than done. Let me just say, sometimes it doesn't pay to wear your heart on your sleeve. I'm debating building a brick wall reinforced with steel for mine actually....we'll see...haven't started construction just yet....
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Fascination with Feathers!
I happened across this challenge on Moxie Fab World (the fascination with feather challenge) ...and was contemplating what I should do, when one of my favorite Train songs came on. I heard the lyrics 'if...its love...and we're 2 birds of a feather, then the rest is just whatever...' just seemed perfect! So that is what inspired this card. The inside will have the 'then the rest is just whatever..' written in it.....if I ever decided to give it to anyone!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Yesterday was the very first 5K! Here is the recap...starting with Thursday night because well...for the first time in my life, boy did I get a suprise! I went to bed early since I knew I had to run on Friday....took a unisom since I have mad bouts of insomnia, especially when I'm excited for something. I had just fallen asleep when my phone buzzed with a text message from of my besties ;) She was 20 minutes from my house! What a nice suprise...she wanted to come down and cheer me on in my run...that just warms my heart. When she arrived, she gave me flowers (just because they had to go in water right then...I wasn't allowed to have the card until after I But here are my flowers...aren't they beautiful?? I just LOVE irises!

Raceday I got up nervous as hell! The butterflies were really wreaking havoc in my tummy! I don't even know why, it is just a 5K! We got to the gym, and picked up my packet, was nice to see Kim handing them out! Kim is my trainer....I OWE HER! She has helped me get where I am today...she kicks my BUTT!!! Say hi to Kim!

So here I am...sportin' my number. I've never had a number before....i was excited!

Here is me and Melissa

wow..there were so many people racing!!! I've never been in a race! Here I am....waiting to start, I didn't even try to get to the front of the giant

and then....everyone took off! There I was,armed with my sunglasses and my ipod. So I ran....and ran...and ran! Boy was it HOT! It was close to 80degrees outside, and the pavement was hot on my footsies! But I kept going....was thankful for the water station at the halfway point! Everytime someone in front of me stopped and walked, I felt like it was an accomplishment for me...because I was not stopping. Nope. My goal was to run the entire thng! At the 2 mile marker they had a clock with was just under! I was ahead of schedule! So I kept running...knowing I had only a little over a mile left to go. When I reached that 3 mile marker....i took off! Almost there! Melissa got a photo of me in the homestretch...check me out, ponytail flipped up in the

I crossed the finish line at 33:52. WOW! I was sure I would do it in about 36 minutes....I was very happy to do so well on my first time. I only started running like 10 days ago!

I was a hot sweaty mess! But the feeling of accomplishment is HUGE! I am still smiling thinking of the fact that I made it!
And when I got to open my card, I found out my flowers were from 3 very special people. Im so lucky! I think the smile will stay on my face for quite some time now! Thankyou so much to my friends for supporting me and making my experience even better. I can't wait to run the next one. Maybe next time someone will run with me!
Raceday I got up nervous as hell! The butterflies were really wreaking havoc in my tummy! I don't even know why, it is just a 5K! We got to the gym, and picked up my packet, was nice to see Kim handing them out! Kim is my trainer....I OWE HER! She has helped me get where I am today...she kicks my BUTT!!! Say hi to Kim!
So here I am...sportin' my number. I've never had a number before....i was excited!
Here is me and Melissa
wow..there were so many people racing!!! I've never been in a race! Here I am....waiting to start, I didn't even try to get to the front of the giant
and then....everyone took off! There I was,armed with my sunglasses and my ipod. So I ran....and ran...and ran! Boy was it HOT! It was close to 80degrees outside, and the pavement was hot on my footsies! But I kept going....was thankful for the water station at the halfway point! Everytime someone in front of me stopped and walked, I felt like it was an accomplishment for me...because I was not stopping. Nope. My goal was to run the entire thng! At the 2 mile marker they had a clock with was just under! I was ahead of schedule! So I kept running...knowing I had only a little over a mile left to go. When I reached that 3 mile marker....i took off! Almost there! Melissa got a photo of me in the homestretch...check me out, ponytail flipped up in the
I crossed the finish line at 33:52. WOW! I was sure I would do it in about 36 minutes....I was very happy to do so well on my first time. I only started running like 10 days ago!
I was a hot sweaty mess! But the feeling of accomplishment is HUGE! I am still smiling thinking of the fact that I made it!
And when I got to open my card, I found out my flowers were from 3 very special people. Im so lucky! I think the smile will stay on my face for quite some time now! Thankyou so much to my friends for supporting me and making my experience even better. I can't wait to run the next one. Maybe next time someone will run with me!
Monday, March 12, 2012
I finally get it!
I registered for this race about a month ago....and at the time I hadn't run in 12 years! I've been doing lots of cardio at the gym, usually between 30 and 65 minutes a day, 5 days a week, but I hadn't actually RUN. Running has never been my strong suit actually. Back when I was in the Navy, I remember struggling hardcore with the run portion of the PRT! Was so hard for me to run that 1.5 miles! So why would I voluntarily sign up to run a 5K??? Which is like double that? Because I know that I can do it. I've set my mind to it, and I'm going to do it!
So last week, my trainer had me run for the first time. I did 1.5 miles, and it wasn't too bad! Took me close to 17 minutes to do it. Then, I increased to 2 miles....and today, I ran 3 miles. WOW! Felt so good! And it is amazing to me how easy it is for me! Im very proud of myself and my ability to run. And this is the part I finally GET. My life has been a roller coaster lately, full of ups and downs and ups and downs, been hard for me to deal with at times. like an escape! While I'm running, my mind is clear. Nothing else seems to matter. It is so refreshing! No wonder so many people run....look at what I've been missing all these years.
When I first signed up for the run, I thought I needed support. Needed someone to come and cheer me on. Today, when I ran the 3 miles all by myself, I realized...I'll be ok. Where it would be nice to have a friendly face at the finish line, I think the sheer satisfaction of crossing the finish line will be enough in the end. I will survive!
So for the first time in my life, I am super excited to RUN! Friday cannot get here fast enough for me, I can't wait to get out there and run like the wind :)
PS....any suggestions for songs for my playlist? I need roughly 36-40 minutes worth of music to get me through!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
is there something wrong with me?
.....or is it normal to sit in bed listening to sappy music?!
I'm currently training for my very first 5K race next Friday, the 16th, and my entire body is SORE! I spent half of my day laying around, I feel so lazy! Yet, I am perfectly happy, and content, listening to my sappy love songs, browsing pinterest and pinning away! (this is me on pinterest case you wanna follow!)
Anyways, thought I'd share a card to go along with my mood...this is from the January issue of SNR

and a small sampling of my sappy music...haha....i wish i could figure out a way to link to my spotify playlist!
i think i will sleep well tonight for once ;)
thanks for visiting my blog today!
I'm currently training for my very first 5K race next Friday, the 16th, and my entire body is SORE! I spent half of my day laying around, I feel so lazy! Yet, I am perfectly happy, and content, listening to my sappy love songs, browsing pinterest and pinning away! (this is me on pinterest case you wanna follow!)
Anyways, thought I'd share a card to go along with my mood...this is from the January issue of SNR
and a small sampling of my sappy music...haha....i wish i could figure out a way to link to my spotify playlist!
i think i will sleep well tonight for once ;)
thanks for visiting my blog today!

A good friend of mine has been preaching this quote to me for MONTHS now! Got me to thinking......remember my post last year about 'what women want'? Well....being a priority should be added to that list! I think I have finally opened my eyes to this fact actually. For years I have allowed myself to be an option, or thing of more! It ends today!
Another thing that should be added to the list is HONESTY. I am sure I speak for most women when I say the truth is always the best option. Why lie? You know she will find out eventually anyways right? For me....I lived in a marriage chock full of lies, so I am trained to expect it! He used to tell me he lied because he didn't want me to be upset about the truth. Well damn....I'm more upset at being lied me! The truth is always best! If you are in a relationship that you feel the need to lie to your partner, well, you probably shouldn't be in that relationship in the first place.
One more quote to end my sort of disorganized rant : "If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders" ---- so men....and ladies....where is your heart? Be honest with yourself here and I am confident everything else will fall into place.
Another thing that should be added to the list is HONESTY. I am sure I speak for most women when I say the truth is always the best option. Why lie? You know she will find out eventually anyways right? For me....I lived in a marriage chock full of lies, so I am trained to expect it! He used to tell me he lied because he didn't want me to be upset about the truth. Well damn....I'm more upset at being lied me! The truth is always best! If you are in a relationship that you feel the need to lie to your partner, well, you probably shouldn't be in that relationship in the first place.
One more quote to end my sort of disorganized rant : "If you want to know where your heart is, look where your mind goes when it wanders" ---- so men....and ladies....where is your heart? Be honest with yourself here and I am confident everything else will fall into place.
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