Not sure why it has taken me so long to get this post up, I think I am still kind of suffering from withdrawals or something! goes! I have included my fav photos from my time with Mikey for y'all to share my excitement! Also, keep in mind, I had no food this day to ensure I couldn't get too sick to my stomach! AND...I totally used my kids as much as I could!
This first picture is when Michael first came out, before the public autograph signing, he randomly came over where we were. I am pretty sure he came over to say hi to Kathy and Cathy, which SO JEALOUS! He hugged them! I am way to shy to go there, I probably should have, but I didn't......instead, I handed Alexis a photo to give him to sign! Here he is making a silly face at her and getting ready to sign it for her (really for me!)

Now here, is where I actually gave him the infamous 'Nascar Hotties' poster to sign. Can u believe it? He didnt' even LOOK at it! He just signed it! So here I was all embarrassed about it, and he never even saw what it said! Silly ME!!!!! But is signed now by my number 1 favorite nascar hottie! YAY!!!

Here is when the public autograph session was about to begin. Mikey was sitting there waiting, and well....I just watched.....for some reason, and this is so sad, I just couldn't pull myself away. I felt like I had to stand there and watch him for the whole time....and i DID!

While we stood watching Michael sign autographs, the lucky dog came around! Alexis was so excited! How CUTE is this picture? This is one of my fav moments of the day.

Caitlyn wasn't so excited about hugging lucky! Poor lucky, he laid down and cried because Caitlyn wouldn't say hi and give him a hug! So mommy had to hug him first to show her, and then we managed to get a group pic with him....gotta love the lucky dog!

OK.....I LOVE this picture too....check out the smile on Michaels face. He woudl periodically look up and smile if he saw one of us holding a camera up. Well....this smile I am pretty sure was for me...unfortunately, my camera was NOT cooperating, so I caught the tail end of it....still was SWEET!

They did provide us lunch there at nice right? My kids enjoyed their pizza on the floor, yes, they laid on the floor! That is because mommy just couldn't pull herself away from drooling over Michael...pathetic, I know.....

So here is a picture I took of Michael during the private Walnutz event, Michael did a Q &A session with us for a good hour, I just took it all in, and snapped like a million pictures, here is one of them...seriously I have a TON!!!

So then, after teh Q&A, we went and took a group Walnutz photo, and they presented Michael with his 'head nut' tshirt! If we are all the nutz, he is definetly our head nut! I am proud to be one of his nutz!!!

Lastly, this is the REAL picture of me and Mikey, yes, my kids were in horrid that i cropped them out for a closeup of me and him.....I just can't help myself! I know I have a goofy look on my face, but I was just so nervous! It was so intense! Shocked that I even got up the nerve to ASK for the pic! But I did, and this is what I got, so until next time, this is it!!!!!!!!

Now you woudl think this picture is the best of the best right? And it is since it is like, tangible evidence, I REALLY got to meet Michael, and be THAT close to him (gives me chills just imagining it....) BUT...the dialogue between him and Alexis is even BETTER. I had made a card for Michael before I left. And of course, I was too shy to give it to him, so I decided to use my kids AGAIN. I gave it to Alexis and told her to go give it to Mikey. She did! She ran right up and gave it to him! Here is the dialogue, as I remember it:
MW: thankyou! and what is your name?
Alexis: ALEXIS!
MW: and is this your sister caitlyn?
Alexis: yeah.....and THAT'S MY MOMMY! (pointing at me!)
MW: and she is a very beautiful mommy! is where I about lost my cookies.....suprisingly, I maintained composure. This was FABULOUS! Kept me going to the rest of the day.....which is good since I had to drive home for 5 hours! Of course the whole time all I kept thinking was, do u think he really meant it? Or was he jsut being nice??? I will just pretend that he really meant it, it meant so much to me!!!
My time at MWR was one of the best days EVER!!! I will always remember taht day, so glad my kids were there to share it with me!