OH WOW.....this is a huge weekend for me!!! A group of me and 4 friends have been working on a group blog for a while now..... If the shoe fits...Scrap it!!! Well...it is due to launch tomorrow morning! I am so excited and nervous all at the same time! We have put so much work into it..I would be disappointed if it flopped! Come check us out tomorrow..we will be having a week full of challenges, with PRIZES!! oooohhh!!! ahhhhhh!!! prizes!!!!! My personal challenge is Monday...and i am freaking OUT!! For a hint at what my prize is going to be.... (click me!)
now that THAT is out of the way....HUGE shoutout to my MIKEY today!! Qualified 15th! (click racecar for official article) What an excellent start to the season for the Napa Toyota, for ALL of MWR actually! If this any indicator of how the whole season is going to go...well...guess I will be on the edge of my seat every weekend! It is great to hear Mikey on his radio talking positively every week! He and Bootie Barker seem to have a great relationship and that makes all the difference. Eagerly anticipating another great weekend for MWR....Go MIKEY!! You have made me proud!!!